Eco-Friendly merchandise
Top 10 new products Autumn 2021
Top 10 new products Autumn 2021
Promotional Technology 2021
Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions
New Year = New Focus
We are all looking forward to 2021 and saying goodbye to 2020. A new year always brings a sense of new beginnings and fresh opportunities, and this rings even truer this year.
With this in mind, now is the perfect time to begin planning for 2021 and getting those New Year’s Resolutions in place.
We have come up with our top 10 resolutions that can help you make 2021 a year to remember for all the right reasons. We have also got the ideal branded products for each one to help your clients and staff achieve their goals next year, while helping your brand make a greater impact.
1. Get Fit

Getting in shape is the most popular New Year’s Resolution of all – 47% of people say that they would like to exercise more in the new year. After our festive indulgences, we want to get back to feeling fresh and energised — and nothing beats exercise for that.
Keep track of your exercise with this activity tracker that counts your steps, distance covered, calories burned and records your sleeping pattern. The bracelet has a dynamic heart rate measuring function to improve your sport performance and a sensor to monitor your blood pressure and oxygen level.
2. Drink More Water

Often our working day can become so busy that we forget to do the most basic things, like drink enough water. Research has shown that even a body water loss of 1-2%, which is considered mild dehydration already, impairs cognitive performance and your general health. The NHS recommends that adults should drink around 1.2 litres of water a day.
We love this great selection of water bottles from our Impact collection where 2% of every bottle sold is donated to Water.org to change lives with safe water.
3. Eat Healthier

Improving our diets is one of the most common New Year’s Resolutions every year. But when you are having a hectic day, it’s very easy to skip lunch or grab whatever snacks you can on-the-go.
Preparation is key. A lunchbox can help you ensure that you have got healthy choices to hand. By preparing your meals at home, you can save time and money and take control of your diet!
This particular lunchbox is eco-friendly too as it’s made from bamboo and polypropylene.
4. Support charities and social causes

A little extra awareness in your choices can go a long way. This stylishly designed bag works with any outfit and is large enough to carry all your daily necessities.
It is made from recycled water bottles and it supports Plastic Bank: a social enterprise headquartered in Canada which aims to clean up plastic waste from our oceans while providing valuable opportunities for impoverished communities.
5. Get Organised

Staying on top of things can help minimise stress, keep our energies focused, and keep us feeling positive.
If getting organised and staying organised is on your list for 2021, then writing things down in a diary and/or on a calendar is a great starting place. Branded calendars and diaries also make very welcome gifts that guarantee year-round brand exposure!
6. Think more eco

It’s more important than ever to do our bit for the environment and this doesn’t have to be difficult. Every day, millions of plastic bottles are thrown away.
Thanks to growing demand, there are eco alternatives for so many everyday items such as this umbrella, made from 5 recycled PET bottles. Furthermore, umbrellas generate over 1,100 impressions over their lifetime, providing excellent exposure for your brand!
7. Read More or Listen to Audiobooks

Reading does marvellous things for your brain – it increases your vocabulary and comprehension, helps to prevent age-related cognitive decline and increases your ability to empathise. It can also reduce stress, and help you sleep better. Whatever your interest is, there is a book about it!
While we cannot always find the time to read, audiobooks are a great way to get the benefits of literature. Wear a pair of headphones during your exercise, or maybe connect to a Bluetooth speaker, and you can listen to anything from your favourite autobiography to Stephen Fry narrating Harry Potter.
8. Explore New Hobbies

Is there a hobby or pursuit you have always been interested in but never quite found the time to explore?
2021 is the year to go for it! Interested in trying your hand at arts, cooking or a new sport?
Alternatively, why not improve your chess game with this set? This way you can improve your work-life balance, especially if working from home makes it hard to you to find that fine line.
9. Organise Your Mind

The increased awareness about mental health and wellbeing in recent years has been most welcome. Benefit from the clarity that calming and organising your mind brings, whatever your line of work. Journaling is an increasingly popular way of finding that clarity. This branded journal can help you to get your thoughts down on paper and get things off your chest. You might also uncover a great idea to take your brand to the next level.
10. Spend Less Time on Your Phone

We often find ourselves glued to our phones, even without meaning to. It starts with checking your email, then checking your LinkedIn and before you know it, you have been scrolling for an hour through your Instagram feed.
It is recommended that we spend no more than two hours per day on our phones, but even average users are scrolling for nearly five hours per day. A phone safe is a unique and brilliant way of getting screen-time down.
Making New Year’s Resolutions is easy, keeping them is hard. Around 80% of people give up on their resolutions, often within the first few weeks. Always focus on the positive outcome, remembering why you have made this commitment to yourself. The longer you stick with it, the more natural it will become. You will soon wonder how you have ever managed to get through the day with only 6 hours of sleep and 2 glasses of water!
And whatever your resolutions are, best of luck from #GeigerUKteam!
Back to Learning

Finding positives
Yet amid the worry and uncertainty, there were still positives to be found. For families, it became a chance to spend unexpected quality time together, something increasingly difficult in today’s hyper-paced society. Children were able to spend time with parents who would otherwise have been rushing to and from work. Parents were encouraged to become more involved in their child’s education through home-schooling. For some, this came with unique challenges of its own, but in the long run, children will likely have benefited from the extra, quality time they’ve spent with one or more parents. Despite the gravity of the pandemic, there were moments when many people were able to make the most of a temporarily slowed-down world, reconnecting to some of the most important things in life.
Back to learning
A few months later, as lockdown tentatively lifts and society continues to adjust to everything the “new normal” throws at us, it’s time for the UK’s 12-million-plus pupils, students, teachers, and parents to look forward to returning to school, college, or university. Some have already returned, the children of some key workers never stopped, others have been able to continue their studies online. Although the enforced months at home will have had their benefit, the value of educational institutions cannot be underestimated. For younger children, they’re a place of growth and development. For those in further and higher education, they can be the path to better life chances and maybe a dream career. For everyone who learns and works in them, they’re a social hub: a place to form friendships and forge relationships that will last a lifetime. For parents who’ve been struggling with juggling the stresses of Covid, work, and their child’s education, a return to school offers some chance to restore work/life balance.
Not sharing is the new caring
Whether you’re the parent of a primary school child or you’re a post-graduate student, education is vital; but so too is staying safe as the world returns to learning. Social distancing is a part of everyday life for the foreseeable future, even in a classroom of infants. New measures limit activities; books, toys, and stationery that would normally be for all to share are either out-of-bounds or can only be used by one small group at a time. Classrooms and most of things in them will have to be sanitised after use — that goes for everyone from nursery to university. It’s not easy, but it is necessary. The new slogan is “Not Sharing is Caring”, something that goes against everything we’re taught in school but is perfect for the times we find ourselves in.
Staying eco-friendly
At the same time, we face another problem. Pre-Covid, the environment was barely out of the headlines. We were being constantly reminded of the need to recycle, cut down on single-use plastic, and use fewer chemicals. Just months later, we’re potentially sending chemical and single-use goods levels through the roof.
So how can we do our bit to help? How can we keep ourselves Covid-safe without destroying the planet? One obvious answer is to source eco-friendly items that are durable and safe to use. This is particularly important when returning to a communal environment such as a school.
Solutions for Students
At GeigerBTC, we already have a range of safe, eco-friendly essential products ready to go. These are items that can be personalised — ideal for when not sharing is caring — and some even have an antibacterial coating, keeping them sanitised should they be mistakenly used by others.
You can find some a great selection of products here. They’re safe,environmentally-minded, are great value, and let’s face it, who doesn’t enjoy having items with their name on?
GeigerBTC has always had a great reputation for quality, useful personalised goods. In the current situation, we’ve remained here for customers, stocking everything from PPE to school stationery — all of which conforms to new safety regulations.
Solutions for Schools, Colleges and Universitities
We also have a full range of products that can help to create safe environments in places of education. These include hand sanitiser stations, desk divider screens and a wide range of signage options to communicate and reinforce new procedures and guidelines such as social distancing and handwashing reminders, and walking in strict lanes or one direction.
Whatever it is you need, we have the capacity to get it shipped and delivered safely to your door helping you get back to work and to learning in the safest, most eco-friendly way possible.
Eco-friendly technology is here!

Sustainable Promotional Technology
The rapidly growing trend for promotional products to be more sustainable is spreading throughout our industry, with products like reusable bottles, stationery and even confectionery climbing to the top of the eco-friendly merchandise list.
Here we will focus on how this trend is affecting the world of gadgets and technology. Products such as charging cables, power banks and wireless speakers are now some of the most used and kept items in the branded merchandise sector, delivering brand awareness for months and even years for marketers, but can they be eco-friendly?
Here we will focus on how this trend is affecting the world of gadgets and technology. Products such as charging cables, power banks and wireless speakers are now some of the most used and kept items in the branded merchandise sector, delivering brand awareness for months and even years for marketers, but can they be eco-friendly?
Many technology items require a mix of lithium batteries, wires, chips and other internal components which are hard to recycle and dispose of. However, there is a growing trend to change the outer case materials these types of products are made from, and to find different and more sustainable materials that can be easily recycled at the end of the products life. Let’s explore some of these now.
Switching a products case material from plastic to bamboo or FSC managed wood sources helps with the biodegradable properties and also makes for a very soft and desirable finish. Other natural materials finding favour are cork, leather, eco fabric, and of course paper and wood composites.
A growing trend and one to watch is promotional products made from recycled plastic, which are often PET bottles cleared from the sea, representing a better solution for our environment. Other materials, such as recycled metals and regrind silicone, also offer safe and sustainable options.
Choosing materials that break down sooner over time is also a good option, and now we are seeing major companies in the USA producing bio-additives (e.g. BioSphere) which dramatically speed up the degrading process of plastic from 100 years to 3-5 years.
The value of high-quality cables
One of our most popular ranges for the past few years has been charging cables. They have proved immensely popular with our customers, and we know why!
As we all lead more digital lives, keeping our devices permanently charged has become a daily challenge. When at home, at work or travelling around, it’s a must to have a cable close at hand to plug in and top up at every opportunity! Hence, charging cables are one of our most popular lines. When used as a promotional gift or incentive, it’s an easy and visible way to get your brand into the hands of your customers or contacts every single day.
And now we can offer an eco version too. Introducing the Mr Bio, our first environmentally conscious charging cable, made with recyclable and biodegradable materials to lower the impact that it has on the environment without compromising on style or performance.
In conclusion, gadgets can be more sustainable and are still one of the most desirable items for many marketers. We just need to start choosing better and demanding more.